Current Position:
Client Visit
Algeria Clients Visited EVANGEL OfficeOn November 23, 2023, I had the pleasure of hosting a client from Algeria at our company. This client, initially engaged through email marketing, expressed interest in purchasing HYUNDAI excavators. Their visit was not only a business interaction but also marked by a thoughtful gesture as they brought gifts from Yiwu. The client exhib...2023-11-22
Ethiopia Clients Visited EVANGEL OfficeOn November 10, 2023, we had the pleasure of welcoming an Ethiopian client to our company. From the moment they arrived, we ensured a warm and professional welcome. Once there, we provided them with comprehensive information about our company, construction machines, and services. We also discussed their specific needs and explained how ...2023-11-10
Mexico Client Visited XCMG FactoryOn November 6, 2023, we accompanied a client from Mexico to the XCMG factory to inspect his concrete mixer truck and mixing plant. During his visit, we provided him with an overview of our company and factory's history, and he thoroughly examined all the trucks and mixing plants. Impressed by the quality of the machines, the client ex...2023-11-06
Ghana Clients Visited EVANGEL OfficeOn October 11, 2023, after receiving notification of our client's visit from Ghana, I arranged for transportation to pick them up early in the morning from their hotel. Once at our company, we held a detailed meeting in our conference room with a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and further discussions about their order requirement...2023-10-11
Ethiopian Client Visited EVANGEL OfficeOn October 8, 2023, a warm welcome was extended to our esteemed Ethiopian customer as we embarked on a journey to show around our company. During the visit, I personally introduced our company's developemnt history, vision, and commitment to quality. We engaged in fruitful discussions, evaluating their future requirements for tower cr...2023-10-08
France Clients Visited EVANGEL OfficeOn September 26th, 2023, we had the pleasure of hosting a visit from our French client. The client had informed us a week in advance of their intention to visit our company and subsequently tour our machinery factory. In preparation for the visit, we made the necessary arrangements for airport pickup, hotel reservations, and scheduled t...2023-09-26